Sunday, April 29, 2012

BMW sued for giving customer a persistent, lasting erection

BMW motorcycles (© Nick Laing/Getty Imaging)

BMW is being sued after a customer found his BMW motorcycle gave him a persistent, lasting erection. No, not because it morphed into a sexy woman like that one Fiat ad, but because its custom "ridge-like" Corbin-Pacific seat, on which he sat for a total of four hours, gave him priapism (medical talk for a persistent, lasting erection) which he further claims has made him unable to engage in sexual activity TO THIS DAY. Whaaaat? A minute ago we were writing this seat down on our personal shopping wish list; now we are discreetly crossing it off. If BMW is found liable, they will owe him money for lost wages, personal injury, medical expenses, product liability and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

BMW sued for giving customer a persistent, lasting erection

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